Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes! I am an in-network provider for Blue Cross, and I bill Aetna for your dry needling appointment!

    To find out, email me at, or text me at 907-250-9260 with a photo of the front and back of your card, along with your birth date.

  • Yes, and more people than ever are starting to realize it.

    Medication can help manage pain, but holistic healing gets to the root of pain. Through my natural methods, we’ll get directly to the cause of the pain and help release it from your body.

  • Holistic is a term for a wellness approach that treats the whole person — naturally.

  • At your first appointment, we’ll go over your health concerns and design a treatment plan that includes pain relieving strategies, stretching, and lifestyle changes to help get you out of pain. Your treatment plan is entirely up to you.

  • Trigger point dry needling is a technique that uses a thin, sterile needle to treat muscle pain and restore muscle function. By gently puncturing the skin, trigger point dry needling can deliver oxygen to the affected area and get the taut band in the muscle to release. The procedure is completely safe, and while it may cause mild discomfort, it is typically not painful. In fact, you may not feel anything at all.

  • Occupational Therapy is a health and wellness profession that looks at the needs of each person as a whole. We may incorporate Occupational Therapy into your treatment plan including suggestions for your home and work environment, lifestyle changes to accelerate your healing, and other techniques to ensure you get the healing outcome you’re looking for.

  • Yes! Our Anchorage pain clinic offers trigger point dry needling in a relaxing spa-like environment. We are conveniently located in the Turnagain neighborhood.

  • My address is 2804 W Northern Lights Blvd

    Anchorage AK 99517

    It's in the Gonzalez Marketing building right next to Rustic Goat, on the west side. While driving East on Northern Lights, turn right after the fire hydrant, park on the right side. Walk in on the left side of the building by the Anchorage Massage Therapies sign and I'll be in the first room on the right.